Episode 11

The Mad Chronicles is Done?

This Podcast may have come to a close, but the journey doesn’t stop here! This podcast was all about thought-provoking conversations, unapologetic honesty, and advocating for a better world.

Though this chapter has ended, bigger and better projects are on the horizon, and you can find them all at http://www.themadmorgan.com

Stay tuned for new adventures, stories, and ideas as we continue pushing the envelope, having fun, and keeping it real. Thanks for being part of the ride – the best is yet to come!

#themadmorgan #madmorgan https://x.com/The_Mad_Morgan


About the Podcast

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Are you Listening?
Stop being Ignorant and Evolve

About your host

Profile picture for Mad Morgan

Mad Morgan

Mad Morgan has worked behind the scenes with many content Creators and Influencers over the years. As the world appears to be very 'judgy' on social media on visual factors, they have decided to still stay 'behind the scenes' and not reveal anymore then a silhouette. Where their voice may be portrayed as one gender...who knows with technology which gender it belongs.

With that they can tell you this - their life has been well rounded from failed and successful relationships, raising of children, multiple successful careers and failed ones. Been 'up and down and in-between' in many many areas of life. Spent their life people watching and helping as many as they can with sound advice (whether it is taken and used is another thing). At the end of the day this Podcast is about helping others make sense of this crazy world and life. Their words are their tools and with that they dont want to be judged on anything else in vanity or otherwise.

Here to help others and any help you can provide to help them with their mission is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Show some Love!

We do our show out of Love and Passion for change but there are still costs. Please support us when and where you can. Thank you.
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